Diligence and Hard Work

International Theological College and Seminary, Cambodia
Name: Lydia lalrovuli
Subject: Pastoral Theology
Professor: Dr. White Young Jeon
Date: Feb.18,2015
Class Presentation

Title: Diligence and hard work

There are many jobs in the world and we have different kind of Jobs. If we want to success in our job, what is important? Diligence and hard work, without these we can not be able to succeed our purposes or our Jobs. In order to succeed our purpose we need to diligence and hard work. As there are many kinds of jobs, what kind of Jobs we are working. For whom we are working. As we are focusing ministries, it is more important to diligence and hard work in our ministries. Why we have to be diligence and hard work in our ministries. Our duty is to set up the kingdom of God and to help others to attain eternal glory. The work of the ministry must be done with much diligence and effort, for it is of infinite importance to others and to ourselves. We will receive rewards from God according to what we have done.

For whom we are working

First, it is important to know, we are working for whom. It is needed first to understand for whom we are working. We are working for God the one who created every thing in the world. He is the one who has given us eternal life, who saved us from our sins through his son Jesus Christ (John 3:16). We should respect our duty as we are working for God. So, Are we not diligence and hard work for our Lord Jesus Christ?

What kind of Jobs we are working

We know that there are different kinds of Job in the world. We are working for the God who has made us and who has known us before we were born. Our job is different from other job, because we are working for the almighty God. It is not the same with the other job of the world. We are special chosen by God as his representative to proclaim his words to over the world (Matthew 28:19).Therefore, should we not be diligence and hard work in our ministry for extending the kingdom of God.

Why we need to be diligence and hard work in our ministry?
First, to protect ourselves and others from temptation

How can we protect ourselves and others from temptation? In order to protect ourselves and others from temptation, we should be diligence and hard work in our ministries. Without diligence and hard work and being lazy we can not protect even ourselves from temptation. Gospel according to Matthew 26:41 Jesus said, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The Spirit is willing, but the body is weak”. If we watch and pray always to God in our daily life, we will not fall easily into temptation and we can protect ourselves and others from temptation. How can we close God? We can close him by prayer and reading his words, so that we will not fall into temptation.

Second, to overcome the devil and to demolish his kingdom

To overcome the devil and to demolish his kingdom we should be strong in the Lord and in his almighty power. You should put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes as Paul said in Ephesians 6:11. We can overcome the devil and we can demolish his kingdom through putting on the full armor of God. So that the devil can not attempt us and we can demolish his kingdom through the power of God.

Third, to set up the kingdom of God

This is our duty to set up the kingdom of God and to help others attain eternal glory. This is the purpose of our ministry to extend his kingdom and to save the lost soul. In order to set up his kingdom and to save the lost soul we should be diligence and hard work in our ministry.

How can we set up his kingdom and how can we help others to attain eternal glory

Through proclaiming his words, we can do these. If we want to save the lost soul and to extend his kingdom, we should proclaim the word of God. If we don’t proclaim, who will proclaim the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. How can people believe if they don’t hear? As we see in the book of Romans 10: 17, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” So, we should work our ministry with all our efforts and abilities to help others to have eternal life and to set up the kingdom of God. We should not lazy, because many people souls are perish everyday. It is a time to wake up, to help others to have eternal life.
Gospel according to Luke 10:2 Jesus told to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field”. There are many people who are being still in the darkness, so we need the workers. As Jesus said, we should ask God to send the workers to the harvest field. Therefore, we should work the ministry with much diligence and hard work and with all our efforts and abilities, so that we can achieve and succeed our ministry.

If we don’t proclaim the good news, what will happen upon us?

As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:16 “Yet when I preach the Gospel, I can not boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! As Paul said if we don’t preach the gospel, woe will be upon us. We also should be like Paul, to proclaim the word of God what we have seen and known in our life to others. We can see in the book of Ezekiel, if we don’t proclaim the good news knowingly, which we have seen and known to those who don’t know God, the account of their blood will be in our head. We proclaim the word of God to them if they don’t believe the account of there blood will be in their own head (Ezekiel 33:4-6). In order not to be happened in our life we should proclaim the good news.
The Last, we should work the ministry with diligence and hard work, because God will give us rewards according to our work, it will be given to us. In Romans 2:6 “God will give to each person according to what he has done”. We will receive according to what we have done as we see in the Bible. God said in the book of revelation 22: 12 “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done”. There is a reward with Jesus to give according to what we have done. If we are work hard and diligence in our ministry, we will surely receive rewards that Jesus has.


The work of the ministry must be diligence and hard work, to achieve all our purposes and our ministries. We have to concentrate our whole heart and time, in our ministry. Our greatest diligence and hard work will be in our ministry so that we can succeed our ministry and God will bless us. Therefore, let’s do our ministry with much diligence and hard work and with all our efforts and abilities.